Rewarding Part-time/Adjunct Faculty: The Senior Lecturer Program.

Bibliographic Details
Title: Rewarding Part-time/Adjunct Faculty: The Senior Lecturer Program.
Authors: Hall, Christine, Atnip, Carol
Abstract: This paper discusses the use of part-time faculty or adjunct faculty at the University of Louisville (Kentucky); the challenges they present to program administrators, including their retention and meaningful involvement in program activities; and how the university motivates them. It is noted that part-time faculty differ in terms of their characteristics and motivation for teaching and require a reward system that responds to these differences. Examined is a series of incentives and rewards, through the Senior Lecturer Program, that was established by the school within the Preparatory Division for the part-time lecturers who teach developmental courses. The Senior Lecturer Program recognizes the experience and service of teachers by providing senior status to qualified lecturers who have taught for 3 years. The application process involves submitting documentation in three areas: excellent teaching service, significant program contributions, and professional development activities. Once approved for senior lecturer status, individuals receive selected benefits, including an increased rate of compensation. It is suggested that the Senior Lecturer Program illustrates one way to provide a reward system for part-time faculty and promote the integration of this important group. Contains 10 references. (GLR)
Language: English
Peer Reviewed: N
Page Count: 12
Publication Date: 1992
Intended Audience: Administrators; Practitioners
Document Type: Reports - Descriptive
Descriptors: College Faculty, Employment Level, Faculty College Relationship, Higher Education, Incentives, Part Time Faculty, Professional Recognition, Program Descriptions, Status, Teacher Morale, Teacher Motivation, Teacher Promotion
Entry Date: 1992
Accession Number: ED343544
Database: ERIC