Asian-Americans and Student Organizations: Attitudes and Participation.

Bibliographic Details
Title: Asian-Americans and Student Organizations: Attitudes and Participation.
Authors: Wang, Yuh-Yin
Abstract: A study was done to assess the attitudes toward involvement of Asian American students in student organizations, particularly preprofessional groups because of their academic focus and to determine if any differences existed among Asian American groups in attitudes toward and involvement in student groups. The data were collected using a survey of a random sample of 152 undergraduate Asian American students from a large eastern university using a 30-item Likert-type mailed questionnaire. Results indicate that students tended to mix socially with White students and seldom felt isolated or out of things. Although they liked the idea of joining groups, many students did not perceive themselves as having time for groups. Although they agreed with participating in minority student groups, students disagreed with the idea of a preprofessional society made up of Asian Americans alone and more strongly disagreed with one made up exclusively of their ethnic subgroup. Students reported seldom using the minority student office or career development office. Men were more likely than women to agree that the university was supportive of minority students. United States born Asian American students were more likely to have close friends of other races and felt themselves more a part of campus life than did foreign-born Asian American students. In addition, those calling themselves Vietnamese Americans felt most isolated. Included are 4 tables and 17 references. (JB)
Language: English
Peer Reviewed: N
Page Count: 22
Publication Date: 1992
Document Type: Reports - Research
Speeches/Meeting Papers
Descriptors: Asian American Students, Group Membership, Higher Education, Mail Surveys, Minority Groups, Racial Attitudes, Racial Identification, Racial Relations, Social Life, Student Attitudes, Student Organizations, Student Participation, Undergraduate Students, Vietnamese People
Geographic Terms: U.S.; Maryland
Notes: Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (San Francisco, CA, April 20-24, 1992).
Journal Code: RIEOCT1992
Entry Date: 1992
Accession Number: ED346229
Database: ERIC