Upward-Communication Programs in American Industry. Putting Ideas into Action: A Center for Creative Leadership Technical Report.

Bibliographic Details
Title: Upward-Communication Programs in American Industry. Putting Ideas into Action: A Center for Creative Leadership Technical Report.
Authors: Kraut, Allen I., Freeman, Frank H., Center for Creative Leadership, Greensboro, NC.
Abstract: A study examined upward-communication practices (from lower levels to higher levels in an organization) in American industry. Seventy-five large top-ranked companies responded to a survey concerning their upward-communication programs, for a response rate of 39%. Forty of the completed surveys included materials describing their upward-communication programs. Results indicated that: (1) the companies reported using an average of 6.6 upward communication practices; and (2) the three most common practices were suggestion programs, "open door' programs, and opinion surveys. Results further described 10 upward-communication practices, with some examples submitted by respondents, and compared upward-communication programs regarding the extent to which they handle grievances, suggest improvements, and provide feedback to the organization. Among the reasons to ensure good upward communication are that it provides feedback to management, it supplies early warning, it transmits unfiltered information, and it enhances organizational effectiveness. Findings suggest that the majority of large American firms use a wide variety of programs to foster upward communication from their employees. (Thirty-two references, a list of participating companies, the survey cover letter, a completed survey form, and company-provided materials describing the upward-communication programs of 16 companies are attached.) (RS)
Language: English
Availability: Center for Creative Leadership, P.O. Box 26300, Greensboro, NC 27438-6300 ($25 each; 2-49 copies, $20 each; 50+ copies, $15 each).
Peer Reviewed: N
Page Count: 101
Publication Date: 1992
Document Type: Reports - Research
Descriptors: Communication Research, Employer Employee Relationship, Organizational Communication, Organizational Effectiveness, Program Descriptions, Surveys
ISBN: 978-0-912879-46-8
Entry Date: 1992
Accession Number: ED347594
Database: ERIC