
Changing Perspectives on Civil Rights. United States Commission on Civil Rights Forum (Nashville, Tennessee, December 8-9, 1988).

Bibliographic Details
Title: Changing Perspectives on Civil Rights. United States Commission on Civil Rights Forum (Nashville, Tennessee, December 8-9, 1988).
Authors: Commission on Civil Rights, Washington, DC.
Abstract: A subcommittee of the U.S. Civil Rights Commission heard testimony on social changes in progress and the future of civil rights, in the second in a series of forums. The purpose of the forum was to gather information about equal opportunities for minorities in education and economic development. Representatives from the Federal Government, public schools, the media, corporations, research groups, and non-profit organizations participated. Many participants pointed to the critical role education will play in preparing the next generation of Americans, especially the poor who are disproportionately minorities, to take full advantage of the opportunities in a changing society. Some participants indicated that an emphasis on education will be particularly important in view of the high dropout rates and the declining college participation rates of Blacks and Hispanics. Participants also discussed changes that have occurred in race relations over the past two decades, the importance of economic development for creating opportunities for minorities, and corporate and non-profit initiatives that may help to create opportunities for minorities. The publication offers a summary of the 2-day forum and a transcript of the five panel discussions. (JB)
Language: English
Availability: U.S. Government Printing Office, Superintendent of Documents, Washington, DC 20402.
Peer Reviewed: N
Page Count: 207
Publication Date: 1990
Document Type: Collected Works - Proceedings
Descriptors: Asian Americans, Blacks, Civil Rights, Demography, Diversity (Student), Dropout Rate, Economic Development, Economically Disadvantaged, Elementary Secondary Education, Equal Education, Equal Opportunities (Jobs), Higher Education, Hispanic Americans, Minority Groups, Racial Relations, Role of Education, Social Change
Entry Date: 1993
Accession Number: ED359289
Database: ERIC