Bloomfield Learning Centre, London, England

Bibliographic Details
Title: Bloomfield Learning Centre, London, England
Authors: Horner, Sarah, Orr, Jane
Source: 2022.
Abstract: In this case study, Sarah Horner and Jane Orr from the Bloomfield Learning Centre, a specialist literacy clinic run as a charity and serving the poorest parts of London, report on how Sounds-Write helped a student regain his self-confidence and motivation for learning, after difficulties in reading had led to behaviour problems and a dislike of school. [For the complete volume, "Systematic Synthetic Phonics: Case Studies from Sounds Write Practitioners," see ED619956.]
Language: English
Availability: La Grange des Noyes, 25110 Voillans, France. e-mail:; Web site:
Peer Reviewed: Y
Page Count: 12
Publication Date: 2022
Document Type: Reports - Research
Education Level: Secondary Education
Descriptors: Foreign Countries, Reading Programs, Reading Difficulties, Reading Improvement, Program Implementation, Nonprofit Organizations, Nonschool Educational Programs, Program Evaluation, Reading Tests, Secondary School Students
Geographic Terms: United Kingdom (England)
Abstractor: ERIC
Entry Date: 2022
Accession Number: ED619968
Database: ERIC