Choice in a Time of COVID: Immediate Enrollment Decisions in New York City and Detroit. Technical Report

Bibliographic Details
Title: Choice in a Time of COVID: Immediate Enrollment Decisions in New York City and Detroit. Technical Report
Authors: Cordes, Sarah A., Lenhoff, Sarah Winchell, Schwartz, Amy Ellen, Singer, Jeremy, Trajkovski, Samantha, National Center for Research on Education Access and Choice (REACH)
Source: National Center for Research on Education Access and Choice. 2023.
Abstract: The COVID-19 crisis caused the educational system's sudden and drastic upheaval as parents were forced to decide where their children would attend school and how they would get there. These decisions were complicated by the uncertainty surrounding what type of online or hybrid schooling districts would offer, the health risks of different transportation options, and the vaccine timeline. Families had to weigh the quality of their children's education, the health risks, and the logistics of various schooling options, which could have long-term implications for educational equity and access. The report examines the enrollment trends and student mobility patterns during the 2020-21 school year in New York City and Detroit--two major urban districts with school choice programs. The findings challenge some common assumptions about the pandemic's impact on education and shed light on its long-term implications for access and equity in schooling. [For the policy brief, see ED629590.]
Language: English
Availability: National Center for Research on Education Access and Choice. 1555 Poydras Street Suite 700, New Orleans, LA 70112. Tel: 870-540-6576; e-mail:; Web site:
Peer Reviewed: Y
Page Count: 56
Publication Date: 2023
Document Type: Reports - Research
Numerical/Quantitative Data
Education Level: Elementary Education
Descriptors: COVID-19, Pandemics, Enrollment Trends, Student Mobility, School Choice, Parents, Decision Making, Change, Public Schools, Charter Schools, Elementary School Students, Emergency Programs, Urban Schools
Geographic Terms: New York (New York), Michigan (Detroit)
Abstractor: ERIC
Entry Date: 2023
Accession Number: ED629591
Database: ERIC