The Impact of School Libraries on Children and Young People's Literacy Outcomes: An Evidence Review

Bibliographic Details
Title: The Impact of School Libraries on Children and Young People's Literacy Outcomes: An Evidence Review
Authors: Aimee Cole, Christina Clark, Anne Teravainen-Goff, National Literacy Trust (United Kingdom)
Source: National Literacy Trust. 2023.
Abstract: The value of school libraries is well-established, with reviews and studies worldwide highlighting the impact on children and young people's academic achievement and literacy outcomes. Yet, it is still not a statutory requirement for schools to have a school library or school library system. As such, there are no official figures as to the number or proportion of schools that have a school library or school librarian in the UK. This report provides an up-to-date picture of school libraries at both primary and secondary schools in the UK. It focuses on what is known about the extent of current school library provision, the evidence of the need for further support of school libraries, and the impact that school libraries can have on children and young people.
Language: English
Availability: National Literacy Trust. Swire House, 59 Buckingham Gate, London, SW1E 6AJ, UK. Tel: +44-2078-282435; Fax: +44-2079-319986; e-mail:; Web site:
Peer Reviewed: N
Page Count: 19
Publication Date: 2023
Document Type: Reports - Evaluative
Education Level: Elementary Secondary Education
Descriptors: Foreign Countries, Elementary Secondary Education, School Libraries, Professional Personnel, Resources, Budgets, Writing Achievement, Skill Development, Recreational Reading, Student Behavior, Writing Attitudes, Reading Attitudes, Well Being, Literacy, Outcomes of Education
Geographic Terms: United Kingdom
Abstractor: ERIC
Entry Date: 2024
Accession Number: ED645168
Database: ERIC