Academic Journal

Polygons, Pillars and Pavilions: Discovering Connections between Geometry and Architecture

Bibliographic Details
Title: Polygons, Pillars and Pavilions: Discovering Connections between Geometry and Architecture
Authors: Madden, Sean Patrick
Source: Journal of Catholic Education. Mar 2017 20(2).
Abstract: Crowning the second semester of geometry, taught within a Catholic middle school, the author's students explored connections between the geometry of regular polygons and architecture of local buildings. They went on to explore how these principles apply famous buildings around the world such as the monuments of Washington, D.C. and the elliptical piazza of Saint Peter's Basilica at Vatican City within Rome, Italy.
Language: English
Availability: Loyola Marymount University. School of Education 1 LMU Drive, University Hall Suite 1760, Los Angles, CA 90045. e-mail:; Web site:
Peer Reviewed: Y
Page Count: 15
Publication Date: 2017
Document Type: Journal Articles
Reports - Descriptive
Education Level: Middle Schools
Secondary Education
Junior High Schools
Descriptors: Catholic Schools, Middle School Students, Geometry, Architecture, Geometric Concepts, Buildings, Global Approach, Visual Aids, Mathematics Activities, Teaching Methods, Lesson Plans
ISSN: 2164-0246
Abstractor: As Provided
Entry Date: 2017
Accession Number: EJ1138822
ISSN: 2164-0246
Database: ERIC