Academic Journal

Montessori Method of Education in Terms of Philosophical Anthropology

Bibliographic Details
Title: Montessori Method of Education in Terms of Philosophical Anthropology
Authors: Berber, Zeynep Baserer (ORCID 0000-0002-5422-8532), Baserer, Dilek (ORCID 0000-0001-7098-3645), Dombayci, Mehmi (ORCID 0000-0002-2428-8884)
Source: International Journal of Progressive Education. 2022 18(2):249-258.
Abstract: Since its existence, the subject of man has been difficult and painful to understand. Philosophical anthropology comes to the fore as the field that deals with the essence and function of man to make sense of him. Philosophical anthropology tries to evaluate man from his birth to death. By doing so, philosophical anthropology draws on various philosophers. The process of understanding man, which started with Kant, is shaped by names such as Scheler, Cassirer, Mengüsoglu, and Hartmann. In philosophical anthropology, besides these names, Maria Montessori, who assessed man as a child, is also significant. She contributed to philosophical anthropology by actualizing theoretical structures with the Montessori method of education, which is based on the understanding of a child who stands on his/her own feet and which presents a new perspective on the man. This study is considered important in terms of grounding the aforementioned contribution and guiding future studies on the subject.
Language: English
Availability: International Association of Educators. Available from: PEN Academic Publishing. e-mail:; e-mail:; Web site:
Peer Reviewed: Y
Page Count: 10
Publication Date: 2022
Document Type: Journal Articles
Reports - Research
Education Level: Early Childhood Education
Elementary Secondary Education
Descriptors: Montessori Method, Educational Philosophy, Educational Anthropology, Child Development, Early Childhood Education, Elementary Secondary Education
ISSN: 1554-5210
Abstractor: As Provided
Entry Date: 2022
Accession Number: EJ1342538
ISSN: 1554-5210
Database: ERIC