Academic Journal

Inclusion of All in the Neighbourhood School and Student Well-Being in Senegal from the Perspective of a Practicing Pedagogue

Bibliographic Details
Title: Inclusion of All in the Neighbourhood School and Student Well-Being in Senegal from the Perspective of a Practicing Pedagogue
Authors: Sene, Saliou
Source: European Journal of Education. Jun 2023 58(2):267-276.
Abstract: The education system in Senegal has become more democratic and has adopted international policies for inclusive education after decades of normative and selective practices. Advances are being made for recognising individual student needs in school facilities, pedagogy and teaching practices. This article draws on the first-hand knowledge of the context in Senegal by a current inspector and prior teacher in inclusive practices in Senegal, as well as a purposive review of relevant studies and reports. Current needs for development are identified and discussed, including the structuring of physical settings adapted to special needs learning, interaction with families, as well as communication about disabilities in local communities to reduce social stigma. Building on a review of the current context and needs, the article underscores that it is necessary to move away from superficial symptom identification. Instead, what is needed are changes in teaching and learning practices, as well as in socio-cultural and physical learning environments, to accommodate special needs students. Finally, necessary rethinking of the professional development of teaching staff in Senegal is called for. The inspiration for this development is closely tied to pedagogical responsibility, ethically based care, and the desire teachers have for succeeding in didactic action.
Language: English
Availability: Wiley. Available from: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 111 River Street, Hoboken, NJ 07030. Tel: 800-835-6770; e-mail:; Web site:
Peer Reviewed: Y
Page Count: 10
Publication Date: 2023
Document Type: Journal Articles
Reports - Evaluative
Descriptors: Foreign Countries, Inclusion, Educational Practices, Special Needs Students, Family School Relationship, Communication (Thought Transfer), School Community Relationship, Disabilities, Social Bias, Negative Attitudes, Educational Change, Educational Environment, Academic Accommodations (Disabilities), Professional Development, Student Welfare
Geographic Terms: Senegal
DOI: 10.1111/ejed.12554
ISSN: 0141-8211
Abstractor: As Provided
Entry Date: 2023
Accession Number: EJ1376141
ISSN: 0141-82111465-3435
DOI: 10.1111/ejed.12554
Database: ERIC