Academic Journal

Pre-Service Teachers Applying Culturally Responsive Critical Pedagogy

Bibliographic Details
Title: Pre-Service Teachers Applying Culturally Responsive Critical Pedagogy
Authors: Finn, Karen
Source: Waikato Journal of Education. 2023 28(1):27-39.
Abstract: How do pre-service teachers apply culturally responsive critical pedagogy in the classroom? This small study of two Aotearoa New Zealand pre-service teachers investigated a professional practice placement that followed theory courses. The research found these two pre-service teachers applied culturally responsive critical pedagogy in five ways: reflecting on self and identity, centring akonga (learners), uplifting culture, developing critical consciousness, and improving academic outcomes for nondominant culture akonga. However, these two pre-service teachers placed differing emphases on the ways of applying the pedagogy, including not engaging with improving akonga achievement. The research offers practice examples of culturally responsive critical pedagogy by pre-service teachers.
Language: English
Availability: Wilf Malcolm Institute of Educational Research. Division of Education, University of Waikato, Private Bag 3105, Hamilton 3240, New Zealand. Tel: +64-7-858-5171; Fax: +64-7-838-4712; e-mail:; Web site:
Peer Reviewed: Y
Page Count: 14
Publication Date: 2023
Document Type: Journal Articles
Reports - Research
Education Level: Higher Education
Postsecondary Education
Descriptors: Preservice Teachers, Culturally Relevant Education, Self Concept, Cultural Awareness, Student Diversity, Critical Thinking, Minority Group Students, Student Teaching, Foreign Countries
Geographic Terms: New Zealand
ISSN: 1173-6135
Abstractor: As Provided
Entry Date: 2023
Accession Number: EJ1392990
ISSN: 1173-61352382-0373
Database: ERIC