Academic Journal

Reconnecting to Second Language Acquisition for Innovative Language Pedagogy

Bibliographic Details
Title: Reconnecting to Second Language Acquisition for Innovative Language Pedagogy
Authors: Benati, Alessandro
Source: Iranian Journal of Language Teaching Research. Jul 2023 11(2):1-13.
Abstract: This paper makes a strong connection between the need for innovation in second language pedagogy and the need for language teachers to develop a good understanding of how language develops in our minds/brains. The future for innovative language pedagogy requires that language teachers fully develop the following: (i) a working definition of the nature of language; (ii) a working definition of communication; and (iii) a good knowledge of how language acquisition happens. In the field of both language teaching and language research, there is a need for teachers and researchers to reconnect to second language acquisition theories to ensure that any decisions about language pedagogy are informed and evidence-based. The main question which must be addressed by the experts is: How do we make the knowledge outlined above, commonplace in language teaching?
Language: English
Availability: Urmia University Press. Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Urmia, 165, Iran; Tel: +98-44-32752741; Fax: +98-44-32752746; e-mail:; Web site:
Peer Reviewed: Y
Page Count: 13
Publication Date: 2023
Document Type: Journal Articles
Reports - Descriptive
Descriptors: Second Language Learning, Second Language Instruction, Correlation, Instructional Innovation, Teaching Methods, Language Research, Theory Practice Relationship, Language Teachers, Evidence Based Practice, Definitions, Language Processing, Linguistic Input
ISSN: 2322-1291
Abstractor: As Provided
Entry Date: 2023
Accession Number: EJ1395558
ISSN: 2322-1291
Database: ERIC