Academic Journal

The Impact of Environmental Educational Programs in Promoting Insects Conservation Awareness: A Scoping Review

Bibliographic Details
Title: The Impact of Environmental Educational Programs in Promoting Insects Conservation Awareness: A Scoping Review
Authors: Sitar, Geanina-Magdalena, Rusu, Alina Simona
Source: Journal of Educational Sciences. 2023 24(1):74-92.
Abstract: The decline of biodiversity and natural habitats, and the lack of progress in society's behaviour towards conservation, has prompted research into effective educational programs. Studies have shown that positive emotions towards nature, particularly in relation to the innate human predisposition towards the natural environment, can encourage environmentally friendly actions. As people's attitudes towards species are linked to familiarity and experiences, insects, and other invertebrates, despite their vital role in ecosystems, are often underappreciated and face inequalities in research and conservation. Negative attitudes towards insects are shaped by cultural and educational factors. Hence, education, particularly environmental education, can play a significant role in changing preconceptions and attitudes towards insects and fostering positive behaviour towards biodiversity conservation. This study presents a scoping review of environmental education programs focused on enhancing students' awareness of insects and their significance in the ecosystem (from 2000 to 2022). The aim was to analyse the effects of intervention programs and key characteristics that contributed to their efficiency. The review highlights the importance of program duration, outdoor experiences, and the use of inquiry-based and experiential learning methods in promoting positive attitudes and knowledge about insects. The findings have implications for the design and implementation of effective environmental education programs targeting insect awareness.
Language: English
Availability: West University of Timisoara Department of Educational Sciences. Bd. V. Parvan 4, Timisoara, Timis 300223, Romania. Tel: +40-256-592111; e-mail:; Web site:
Peer Reviewed: Y
Page Count: 19
Publication Date: 2023
Document Type: Journal Articles
Information Analyses
Education Level: Elementary Secondary Education
Descriptors: Biodiversity, Ecology, Conservation (Environment), Environmental Education, Entomology, Attitudes, Familiarity, Experiential Learning, Cultural Influences, Role of Education, Attitude Change, Program Effectiveness, Outdoor Education, Program Length, Inquiry, Knowledge Level, Elementary Secondary Education
ISSN: 1454-7678
Abstractor: As Provided
Entry Date: 2023
Accession Number: EJ1396404
ISSN: 1454-76782457-8673
Database: ERIC