Academic Journal

Learning Experience Design of Verbal Prompts in Virtual Reality-Based Training for Autistic Children

Bibliographic Details
Title: Learning Experience Design of Verbal Prompts in Virtual Reality-Based Training for Autistic Children
Authors: Jewoong Moon
Source: Research in Learning Technology. 2024 32.
Abstract: This study aimed to explore the design and development of verbal prompts in virtual reality (VR)-based social skills training for autistic children. Autism indicates a category with neurodiversity that influences individuals' capability to engage in social and cognitive tasks. This complex neurodevelopmental condition manifests in a wide array of patterns, featuring unique experiences of each individual. This study explored both advantages and challenges encountered when autistic children interact with verbal prompts in multi-user, desktop VR-based social skills training. Our explanatory case study involved VR-based learning experiences of four autistic children. We used a qualitative thematic analysis to analyse the study participants' interaction patterns with verbal prompts in the VR-based training. Our research can contribute to both theoretical knowledge and practical design guidelines for the creation of verbal prompts in desktop VR-based training programmes tailored for autistic children.
Language: English
Availability: Association for Learning Technology. Gipsy Lane, Headington, Oxford OX3 0BO, UK. e-mail:; Web site:
Peer Reviewed: Y
Page Count: 16
Publication Date: 2024
Document Type: Journal Articles
Reports - Research
Education Level: Elementary Education
Grade 7
Junior High Schools
Middle Schools
Secondary Education
Grade 8
Descriptors: Learning Experience, Verbal Communication, Computer Simulation, Technology Integration, Autism Spectrum Disorders, Students with Disabilities, Interpersonal Competence, Grade 7, Grade 8
ISSN: 2156-7069
Abstractor: As Provided
Entry Date: 2024
Accession Number: EJ1418418
ISSN: 2156-70692156-7077
Database: ERIC