Academic Journal

Addressing Emotional Aspects in the Second Language Learning Processes

Bibliographic Details
Title: Addressing Emotional Aspects in the Second Language Learning Processes
Authors: Luis F. Cisneros (ORCID 0000-0001-9034-7793)
Source: HOW. 2024 31(1):167-185.
Abstract: Learning a foreign language incorporates cognitive, communicative, emotional, and social aspects. Some of these aspects have to do with the structure of the language being studied; some others deal with social and psychological issues that influence the environment where the learning process takes place. This reflection paper addresses various emotional aspects that can bring up positive outcomes along the foreign language learning stages. Elements such as motivation, attitudes, levels of anxiety, acculturation, ethnicity, and personality are considered for this work. Readers should be able to find useful ideas for their ESL/EFL classes.
Language: English
Availability: ASOCOPI, the Colombian Association of Teachers of English. Cra 27 A #53-06, oficina 405, Bogota, Colombia. +57-2115018; Fax: +57-2115018. e-mail:; Web site:
Peer Reviewed: Y
Page Count: 19
Publication Date: 2024
Document Type: Journal Articles
Opinion Papers
Reports - Descriptive
Descriptors: Second Language Learning, English (Second Language), Learning Processes, Psychological Patterns, Emotional Response, Foreign Countries, Acculturation, Anxiety, Ethnicity, Language Attitudes, Learning Motivation, Self Esteem, Personality Traits
Geographic Terms: Colombia
ISSN: 0120-5927
Abstractor: As Provided
Entry Date: 2024
Accession Number: EJ1422700
ISSN: 0120-5927
Database: ERIC