Academic Journal

Improving Marking Effectiveness and Feedback Provision in an OSCE Assessment Using Microsoft Forms: A Pilot Study in Sport and Exercise Therapy

Bibliographic Details
Title: Improving Marking Effectiveness and Feedback Provision in an OSCE Assessment Using Microsoft Forms: A Pilot Study in Sport and Exercise Therapy
Authors: Kassie A. Cigliana, Tom Gray, George Gower
Source: Research in Learning Technology. 2024 32.
Abstract: An objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) has been recognised as a reliable but workload-intensive assessment method across health sciences studies. Though a variety of digital marking tools have been employed to improve marking and feedback provision for OSCEs, many of these require specialist software or maintenance. This pilot study examines the development and trialling of Microsoft Forms as a marking and feedback instrument for an OSCE within a Sport and Exercise Therapy module. This study aims to assess whether the use of a non-specialist digital tool, such as Microsoft Forms, might be able overcome limitations in current assessment procedures and ultimately provide a more effective method for marking and feedback provision for an OSCE. Results from OSCE examiners (N = 8) and students (N = 30) who participated in the pilot indicate that Microsoft Forms does have the potential to provide a more effective experience for examiners and ultimately improve upon feedback provision for students when compared with a paper-based marking tool. However, concerns around the form's ease-of-use may ultimately influence its adoption as a marking instrument above current paper-based methods.
Language: English
Availability: Association for Learning Technology. Gipsy Lane, Headington, Oxford OX3 0BO, UK. e-mail:; Web site:
Peer Reviewed: Y
Page Count: 15
Publication Date: 2024
Document Type: Journal Articles
Reports - Research
Education Level: Higher Education
Postsecondary Education
Descriptors: Grading, Feedback (Response), Evaluation, Computer Software, Pilot Projects, Clinical Experience, Health Sciences, Test Construction, Foreign Countries, Alternative Assessment, Occupational Therapy, Higher Education
Geographic Terms: United Kingdom
ISSN: 2156-7069
Abstractor: As Provided
Entry Date: 2024
Accession Number: EJ1426897
ISSN: 2156-70692156-7077
Database: ERIC