The Funny People: A Source-Orientation to the Communication of Humor.

Bibliographic Details
Title: The Funny People: A Source-Orientation to the Communication of Humor.
Authors: Wanzer, Melissa
Source: Communication Quarterly. Spr 1995 43(2):142-154.
Abstract: Finds that Humor Orientation (HO) was positively correlated with communication traits of communicator adaptability, concern for eliciting positive impressions, affective orientation, and situational sense of humor. Finds that high HOs were perceived to be funnier than low HOs both by participant-observers and by independent coders who listened to audio tapes. (SR)
Language: English
Peer Reviewed: Y
Page Count: 13
Publication Date: 1995
Document Type: Reports - Research
Journal Articles
Descriptors: Communication Research, Communication Skills, Higher Education, Humor, Interpersonal Communication, Personality Traits
ISSN: 0146-3373
Entry Date: 1996
Accession Number: EJ509715
ISSN: 0146-3373
Database: ERIC