Editorial & Opinion

Racial Socialization in African American Families: The Art of Balancing Intolerance and Survival.

Bibliographic Details
Title: Racial Socialization in African American Families: The Art of Balancing Intolerance and Survival.
Authors: Stevenson, Howard C.
Source: Family Journal. Jul 1994 2(3):190-198.
Abstract: Racial socialization is necessary to ameliorate the impact of racial hostilities and for African American children to achieve and develop positive self-images. Family therapists must understand not only how societal institutions may adversely affect the psychological well-being of children and their parents, but also how to intervene. (JPS)
Language: English
Peer Reviewed: Y
Page Count: 9
Publication Date: 1994
Document Type: Opinion Papers
Journal Articles
Descriptors: Black Family, Counselor Role, Cultural Awareness, Family Role, Higher Education, Racial Bias, Racial Identification, Racial Relations, Self Esteem, Socialization
ISSN: 1066-4807
Entry Date: 1996
Accession Number: EJ515722
ISSN: 1066-4807
Database: ERIC