Are Funny People Popular? An Examination of Humor Orientation, Loneliness, and Social Attraction.

Bibliographic Details
Title: Are Funny People Popular? An Examination of Humor Orientation, Loneliness, and Social Attraction.
Authors: Wanzer, Melissa Bekelja
Source: Communication Quarterly. Win 1996 44(1):42-52.
Abstract: Finds that higher Humor Orientation (HO) was associated with lower levels of loneliness; acquaintances' perceptions of HO and self-reported HO were positively related; people seen as more humorous were seen as socially attractive; and verbally aggressive individuals did not report more loneliness, but were perceived to be less socially attractive, tending to target others when they enact humor. (SR)
Language: English
Peer Reviewed: Y
Page Count: 11
Publication Date: 1996
Document Type: Reports - Research
Journal Articles
Descriptors: Communication Research, Higher Education, Humor, Interpersonal Attraction, Interpersonal Communication, Interpersonal Relationship, Loneliness
ISSN: 0146-3373
Journal Code: CIJSEP1997
Entry Date: 1997
Accession Number: EJ542450
ISSN: 0146-3373
Database: ERIC