Academic Journal

Effects of Montessori Education on the Academic, Cognitive, and Social Development of Disadvantaged Preschoolers: A Randomized Controlled Study in the French Public‐School System.

Bibliographic Details
Title: Effects of Montessori Education on the Academic, Cognitive, and Social Development of Disadvantaged Preschoolers: A Randomized Controlled Study in the French Public‐School System.
Authors: Courtier, Philippine1 (AUTHOR), Gardes, Marie‐Line1 (AUTHOR), Van der Henst, Jean‐Baptiste1 (AUTHOR), Noveck, Ira A.2 (AUTHOR), Croset, Marie‐Caroline3 (AUTHOR), Epinat‐Duclos, Justine1 (AUTHOR), Léone, Jessica1 (AUTHOR), Prado, Jérôme1 (AUTHOR)
Source: Child Development. Sep/Oct2021, Vol. 92 Issue 5, p2069-2088. 20p. 5 Charts, 3 Graphs.
ISSN: 00093920
DOI: 10.1111/cdev.13575
Database: SocINDEX with Full Text
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