Academic Journal

Author Meets Critics: a panel discussion of Jennifer Germon's Gender: a Genealogy of an Idea (Palgrave Macmillan, 2009), held at the Sociological Association of Aotearoa/New Zealand, Victoria University of Wellington, 9 December 2011.

Bibliographic Details
Title: Author Meets Critics: a panel discussion of Jennifer Germon's Gender: a Genealogy of an Idea (Palgrave Macmillan, 2009), held at the Sociological Association of Aotearoa/New Zealand, Victoria University of Wellington, 9 December 2011.
Authors: Cooper, Annabel1, Shaw, Rhonda, Beres, Melanie2, du Plessis, Rosemary3, Germon, Jennifer4
Source: New Zealand Sociology. 2012, Vol. 27 Issue 1, p112-131. 20p.
ISSN: 0112921X
Database: SocINDEX with Full Text