Academic Journal

TRAUMA RETOLD BY THE CHARACTERS OF MARGARET ATWOOD: Dissertation submitted to St. Teresa's College (Autonomous) in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the degree of MASTER OF PHILOSOPHY in English Language and Literature.

Bibliographic Details
Title: TRAUMA RETOLD BY THE CHARACTERS OF MARGARET ATWOOD: Dissertation submitted to St. Teresa's College (Autonomous) in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the degree of MASTER OF PHILOSOPHY in English Language and Literature.
Source: Language in India. Jun2021, Vol. 21 Issue 6, p2-97. 96p.
Abstract: The article focuses on real trauma in literature especially on the works of the Canadian author Margaret Atwood. It reports that psychological novels are also works of prose fiction that draws upon contemporary Atwootheories and one such theory is the trauma theory. It mentions that Atwood was the first writer in Canada to address gender issues later she widened her perspective.
Subject Terms: *Creative writing, *Authorship, Canadian literature, Fiction writing
People: Atwood, Margaret, 1939-
ISSN: 19302940
Database: Communication & Mass Media Complete