Academic Journal

Socio-Digital Formations.

Bibliographic Details
Title: Socio-Digital Formations.
Authors: Sassen, Saskia1
Source: NORDICOM Review. Nov2006 Supplement, Vol. 27, p9-19. 11p.
Abstract: The article discusses the study on socio-digital formations. According to the author of the study, one of the distinctive capabilities of computer-centered technologies is the rescaling of social relations and domains. The operations that are originally developed for local scales can now move to global scales. Global relations and domains, on the other hand, become directly articulated with local settings. The author stressed that the study aims to address two of the challenges the Social Science Research Council's computer-centered technologies initiative faced since its launching in 2000.
Subject Terms: *Sociology, Technology & civilization, Computer engineering, High technology -- Social aspects, Social science research, Technology & society, Social evolution, Technological innovations & society, International relations research
ISSN: 14031108
Database: Communication & Mass Media Complete