
The Stained Glass Windows of the Sagrada Familia: FROM GAUDI TO VILA-GRAU AND VILA-DECLÒS.

Bibliographic Details
Title: The Stained Glass Windows of the Sagrada Familia: FROM GAUDI TO VILA-GRAU AND VILA-DECLÒS.
Authors: Vila-Declòs, Antoni, Vila-Grau, Joán
Source: Stained Glass: Quarterly of the Stained Glass Association of America. Fall2018, Vol. 113 Issue 3, p46-57. 12p.
Abstract: The article offers information on the stained glass window of the Sagrada Familia. Topics discussed include the Basilica of the Sagrada Familia, heritage site left unfinished by architect Antoni Gaudi; key factors of painting such as light and shadow; and Gaudi's views expressed in his architecture, metalwork, wood carving and ceramics.
Subject Terms: *Glass painting & staining, *Painting, *Metalwork, *Wood carving
People: Gaudí, Antoni, 1852-1926
ISSN: 10678867
Database: Art & Architecture Complete