
Interview with Lars Müller.

Bibliographic Details
Title: Interview with Lars Müller.
Source: Architectural Review. Dec2018/Jan2019, Vol. 244 Issue 1457, p39-41. 3p.
Abstract: The article presents an interview with Lars Müller, who is a publisher and founder of the publishing house Lars Müller Publishers GmbH. The topics addressed include views of Lars on Andre Tavares who dedicates his modern clumsiness chapter to it in the book "The Anatomy of the Architectural Book" and views of Lars on the publishing of architectural literature.
Subject Terms: Author-publisher relations, Publishing industry personnel
Company/Entity: Lars Müller Publishers GmbH
Reviews & Products: Anatomy of the Architectural Book, The (Book)
People: Müller, Lars, 1955-, Tavares, Andre
ISSN: 0003861X
Database: Art & Architecture Complete
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