
In a Series of Exhibitions, Paris Shows Why It’s the City of Romance.

Bibliographic Details
Title: In a Series of Exhibitions, Paris Shows Why It’s the City of Romance.
Authors: Lauter, Devorah
Source: Blouin Art + Auction. Sep2019, Vol. 42 Issue 7, p72-76. 5p. 2 Color Photographs, 4 Diagrams.
Abstract: The article reviews several exhibitions in Paris, France focusing on the Romantic period including the "Romantic Paris 1815-1848" at the Petit Palais museum, "Literary salons" at the Musée de la Vie Romantique and "Romantic Germany," featuring German drawings on loan from the Weimar Museum.
Subject Terms: *Romanticism in art, *Art exhibitions
Geographic Terms: Paris (France)
ISSN: 23315342
Database: Art & Architecture Complete