Academic Journal

'Attic Grave Stelae'.

Bibliographic Details
Title: 'Attic Grave Stelae'.
Authors: Lange, Julius
Source: Journal of Art Historiography. Dec2021, Issue 25, p1-11. 11p.
Abstract: A reprint of the article "Attic Grave Stelae" by Julius Lange and translated by Karl Johns, which appeared in the 1896 issue of the periodical "Nordisk Tidskrift for vetenskap, konst och industri," is presented. The article discusses the history of the Attic grave stelae in Greece. It cites the significance of the incorporation of family life in Greek art around the year 400 before Christ. It describes the emotions depicted in many of the family scenes on the Attic grave stelae.
Subject Terms: *Grave stele (Archaeology), *Families in art, *Greek art
Geographic Terms: Attike (Greece), Greece
ISSN: 20424752
Database: Art & Architecture Complete