Academic Journal

Women Producers, Writers, Illustrators and Directors in BoJack Horseman.

Bibliographic Details
Title: Women Producers, Writers, Illustrators and Directors in BoJack Horseman.
Authors: Castillo, Jenny Paola Ortega
Source: Film International (16516826). Dec2022, Vol. 20 Issue 4, p7-29. 23p.
Abstract: The article focuses on five women who worked on the television (TV) series "BoJack Horseman" & were diagnosed with mental disorders. It discusses that the women Lisa Hanawalt, Kate Purdy, Minhal Baig, Anne Walker Farrell and Alison Tafel; challenging labels, stigmas and misconceptions about mental illness through their works on the show; roles such as writers, directors, illustrators & producers; and significant presence of women in various creative roles in the production of "BoJack Horseman."
Subject Terms: *Comic book artists, *Comic book writers, People with mental illness, Women's writings, Mother-daughter relationship, Memoirs, Authors, Horsemen & horsewomen, Loneliness
Reviews & Products: BoJack Horseman (TV program)
ISSN: 16516826
DOI: 10.1386/fint_00186_1
Database: Art & Architecture Complete
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