Academic Journal

Hollywood Genre, Cultural Hybridity, and Musical Films in 1950s Hong Kong.

Bibliographic Details
Title: Hollywood Genre, Cultural Hybridity, and Musical Films in 1950s Hong Kong.
Authors: Lu, Xiao1 (AUTHOR)
Source: Arts (2076-0752). Dec2023, Vol. 12 Issue 6, p237. 13p.
Abstract: Following the trauma of the Second World War, Hong Kong, under British governance, enjoyed considerable economic and political freedom to establish a local entertainment industry. Musical films became a major genre of Hong Kong's film releases in the 1950s. Local melodramas, Hollywood musicals, celebrities, and ideals of female beauty were all present in the growth of Hong Kong musical films, which culminated in a glorious display of cinematic art. This article aims to provide insight into the popularity of Chinese-speaking musical films by examining the social, economic, and political complexity of 1950s Hong Kong, including post-war migration and colonial censorship. An in-depth analysis of Li Han-Hsiang's The Kingdom and the Beauty demonstrates how Hong Kong studios adapted the Hollywood musical to tell Chinese stories and how Hong Kong musical films incorporated Chinese literature and music to represent cultural memory, local identity, and modern aesthetics. This case study sheds light on the localization of a Hollywood genre and the hybridization of Chinese and Western entertainment forms to appeal to a Chinese audience, thereby broadening the definition of cultural hybridity and informing the practice of Hong Kong's musical filmmaking. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Subject Terms: *Musical films, *Cultural industries, Chinese films, Cultural fusion, Collective memory, World War II
Geographic Terms: Hong Kong (China)
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ISSN: 20760752
DOI: 10.3390/arts12060237
Database: Art & Architecture Complete