
Q&A: Yinka Shonibare: Ahead of a major show at the Serpentine Galleries, London, the celebrated artist reflects on nations, nuance and the continual unfolding of history.

Bibliographic Details
Title: Q&A: Yinka Shonibare: Ahead of a major show at the Serpentine Galleries, London, the celebrated artist reflects on nations, nuance and the continual unfolding of history.
Authors: Ray, Debika
Source: Crafts (0306610X). Spring/Summer2024, Issue 298, p38-43. 4p.
Abstract: An interview with Yinka Shonibare discusses his upcoming exhibition at the Serpentine Galleries, is presented. Topics include "Sanctuary City," exploring exile through maquettes of refuge buildings lined with patterned fabrics; "Decolonised Structures," reimagining famous statues with the artist's patterns; and a collaboration with the Imperial War Museum featuring books wrapped in African textiles, examining humanity's relationship with history and amnesia.
Subject Terms: Refugees, Humanity, Amnesia
Company/Entity: Imperial War Museum (Great Britain)
People: Shonibare, Yinka, 1962-
ISSN: 0306610X
Database: Art & Architecture Complete