CHAPTER SEVEN: Reconstructing the Narrative and After.

Bibliographic Details
Title: CHAPTER SEVEN: Reconstructing the Narrative and After.
Source: Masters of the Ninth Art: Bandes dessinees & Franco-Belgian Identity. 2005, p182-201. 20p.
Abstract: Chapter seven of the book "Masters of the Ninth Art: Dessinées & Franco-Belgian Identity" is presented. It discusses the historical and science fiction stories of the late 1970s and the 1980s. Notable among these stories are the "L'Incal" by Moebius and Alejandro Jodorowsky, and "Edena" by Moebius. Also cited is Jean Giraud's role in raising comics to a level of art form. Science fiction, with strong historical setting is illustrated by Francois Bourgeon's "Les Passagers du vent." Superhero comics like "Superman" are reportedly popular in the U.S.
Subject Terms: *Comic books, strips, etc., Science fiction, Literary criticism, Superman (Fictional character)
Reviews & Products: Masters of the Ninth Art: Bandes Dessinees & Franco-Belgian Identity (Book)
People: Jodorowsky, Alejandro, 1929-, Moebius, 1938-2012
Database: Art & Architecture Complete