A MATTER OF CLASS AND PRIDE: A Tribute to Those Who Wore Ipswich Lace.

Bibliographic Details
Title: A MATTER OF CLASS AND PRIDE: A Tribute to Those Who Wore Ipswich Lace.
Source: Laces of Ipswich: The Art & Economics of an Early American Industry, 1750-1840. 2003, p113-126. 14p. 12 Black and White Photographs.
Abstract: Information on the women who wore the Ipswich lace from a chapter of the book "Laces of Ipswich: The Art & Economics of an Early American Industry, 1750-1840" is presented. Descriptions of several portraits of the women who wore the lace, including Sarah Noyes Chester and Constant Storrs, are presented. The chapter also explores the issue of class and social standing associated with wearing the Ipswich lace.
Subject Terms: *Lace & lace making, Women lace makers, Social status
Reviews & Products: Laces of Ipswich: The Art & Economics of an Early American Industry 1750-1840, The (Book)
People: Raffel, Marta Cotterell
Database: Art & Architecture Complete
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