Chapter 5: Boundaries for a Centre.

Bibliographic Details
Title: Chapter 5: Boundaries for a Centre.
Authors: Screech, Timon
Source: Shogun's Painted Culture: Fear & Creativity in the Japanese States 1760-1829. 2000, p208-266. 59p.
Abstract: Chapter 5 of the book "The Shogun's Painted Culture: Fear and Creativity in the Japanese States, 1760-1829," by Timon Screech is presented. It explores on ancient Japanese boundary posts or historic sites which were allusions to frontiers of the Tenka. It mentions historic sites including the Edo garden of the daimyos of Mito, the Garden of Bathing in Obligation, and the Peach-blossom Spring.
Subject Terms: *Historic sites, *Cultural property, Geographic boundaries, Shoguns, Japanese history
Geographic Terms: Japan
Reviews & Products: Shogun's Painted Culture: Fear & Creativity in the Japanese States 1760-1829, The (Book)
People: Screech, Timon
Database: Art & Architecture Complete